PDREC Aims and Mission statement
To build a just and fair society where everyone has an equal opportunity to live, learn and learn, free from prejudice, discrimination, and racism.
We value diversity and work in partnership with individuals and organisations who are committed to anti-racism and race equality.
Plymouth and Devon Racial Equality Council was launched in 1993
PDREC is an independent charity working across Plymouth, Exeter and Devon to promote equality of opportunity and towards eliminating racial discrimination.
PDREC works with individuals and communities from a Minoritised background in Devon and offer a free and confidential service.
PDREC works closely with many organizations from both private and voluntary sectors. It also works with other public bodies.
PDREC provides advocacy, advice, information and support services for people from Minoritised Communities and others who have been victims/witnesses of racial/religious hate crime incidents, abuse, discrimination or prejudice.
PDREC also deals with a huge variety of issues that affect the lives of people from Minoritised Communities in our locality. Issues that we address include domestic violence, safeguarding, housing, health, isolation, unemployment, poverty and destitution, identity and education.
PDREC represents clients from Minoritised Communities, and support them, in order that they can communicate their wishes, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the services they need.
PDREC currently sits on the Devon Advocacy Consortium and receives funding for provision of advocacy services individuals from Minoritised Communities in Devon.
We provide a holistic Casework service. In 2021/22 the staff had supported cases that included emotional and physical support, benefit and debt, Mental health, Racism, employment law and social care. At times casework can be very intense and time consuming when dealing with people who are extremely vulnerable, isolated and disadvantaged. At times support provided will include more that one of these issues.
Domestic Abuse
Honour based violence
Child abduction
Mental health and wellbeing
Advocacy and support to attend mainstream services
No recourse to public Funds
Referrals for Immigration/EUSS late applications
PDREC has continued to facilitate a weekly arts and craft group for women from Minoritised communities.
The group provides women who are marginalised and isolated with the opportunity to learn new skills and make new friends in safe and fun environment.
The group has around 16 members, 10 who attend on a regular basis.
The feedback from the group highlights how having a safe space to regularly meet together has a positive impact on people’s mental health and wellbeing.
What we do?
Victim Care
Community engagement
Third Party Reporting Hate Crime Centre
Referral for EUSS support
Care Act Advocacy
Social media
Tackling racism at a strategic level
Community Events